The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 16/01/2012!
Stan Lee Documentary Trailer
A documentary about the life of Stan 'The Man' Lee is currently doing the festival circuit, and you can see the trailer for it here! As everyone knows, Lee is the co-creator of some of the most iconic superheroes of all time; from Spider-Man, to Thor, to Iron Man, the Hulk, and so many more besides, he is himself a comic icon, so there are few people who deserve such a film as Stan.
The film features interviews from several Hollywood stars who have featured in recent film adaptations of Marvel comics, including Tobey Maguire, Samuel L. Jackson, Nicolas Cage and Patrick Stewart - quite the bunch!
I will certainly be making the effort to catch this if it plays near me, and urge you to do the same!
(Via Entertainment Weekly)
DC Comics reveal their new logo
There is also news from the 'other' comic titan - DC Comics. Despite the 'DC Swoosh' only having replaced the long-standing 'DC Bullet' in 2005, DC Comics have revealed that they have trademarked a new logo.
Personally, I think it looks OK, I prefer the current one, but I'm sure it will grow on me. It has been trademarked for 'DC Entertainment' as well, so will likely feature on any TV shows, videogames and, of course, films that come out for DC franchises.
The 'peeling' look of it also suggests that, where possible, the logo may be animated to have the 'D' peeling away to reveal the 'C', which, though purely conjecture, seems to be the consensus on the interwebs.
Do you like it? Tell us in the comments!
(Via Bleeding Cool)
Square Enix 'Heroes of Ruin' Trailer
For those of you that don't know, Heroes of Ruin is Square Enix's answer to social gaming on the 3DS. It has seamless drop-in/drop-out gameplay plus a wealth of social gaming features. In this trailer titled 'Story and Environments' we see just that. The world looks fantastic for the 3DS even if it does look like it is straight out of Azeroth.
HEROES OF RUIN -Story & Environments by GameFocus
SOPA "Shelved"
The controversial Stop Online Piracy Act has taken a pretty big bashing lately, with major companies such as Google, Yahoo and Facebook openly opposing it. Even the White House issued a statement against SOPA. So it shouldn't come as too big of a surprise that the freedom of speech ruining legislation has been put on the back burner until "a consensus has been reached". This is fantastic news and is definitely a cause for celebration but the fight is far from over with the Protect IP Act still going forward but it is definitely encouraging.
(Via The Hill)
UK Retailer GAME Hacked
It seems that hackers managed to use a shell injection vulnerability to gain access to GAMES database and steal email addresses, username's and passwords. It is still unclear if any credit card information was stolen.
If you have an account at this store we highly recommend that you change your password as soon as you can.
(Via Softpedia)
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