
Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics 11/01/12

Another short stack for me this week, but another still full of tasty comics.  A very exciting week for Spidey fans this one, with the Spider-Man/Daredevil team-up in ASM, and the first spanking issue of new series Scarlet Spider.  These and more after the jump!
Amazing Spider-Man #677
Pretty much every month, if you were to ask me which two comics I was most looking forward to I would say Amazing Spider-Man and Daredevil - so this month is like a dream come true to me!  This is part one of a new tale featuring Spidey, Daredevil and Black Cat, with part two coming in this month's Daredevil.
Peter is starting to feel the strain of Carly breaking up with him after finding out he is Spider-Man, but with Black Cat prowling around again he soon puts that to the back of his mind.  But what kind of love-triangle doesn't have a third side?  Enter Matt Murdock/Daredevil!
This issue promises witty banter, high flying action and a thrilling story - it'll be quite the feat if I don't read this on the bus home!

Battle Scars #3
This series has been getting a bit of a rollicking from critics after the first two issues, but I think it's just about OK.  Marcus Johnson has been hyped up to such an extent that, when the big reveal comes, anything less than something absolutely stellar will not do!  This is a guy that fought his way out of a S.H.I.E.L.D. holding cell and base before teaching himself to fly one of their flying-car-ma-thingies - quite an extraordinary guy...  There are rumours about what the reveal is going to be if you care to find them, but I won't post any on the off chance that it turns out to be a spoiler - though some make a lot more sense than others.
Deadpool joins the fray this month (bizarrely) and previews do promise that the beginnings of answers will come in this issue.  Maybe hitting the halfway point of the series will mark where the quality matches the hype.

Journey Into Mystery #633
Last month's Christmas issue was one of my favourite comics of the 2011, and I hope so much that Thori (Loki's adopted Hellhound) makes many more appearances in the coming months.  One of the great things about this comic is how it blends high-stakes and more lighthearted fare seamlessly.  For example, previews tell that in this issue thousands of people around the world are locked into deadly fever-dreams; this happening while Leah is discovering milkshakes in her cave.  It sounds like a jarring combination, but i trust this comic so much that I just know it is going to knock this month's out of the park (again!)

Scarlet Spider #1
I'll be honest, prior to Spider-Island I was not at all aware of the existence of Kaine, one of Peter Parker's many clones, because, though I love Spider-Man to bits, pretty much all of my knowledge on the series' lore comes from the 90s animated TV show, which I don't believe featured him..
Nevertheless!  I thought Spider-Island was great from start to finish, and the (re)development of Kaine throughout was a highlight; so when it was announced that he would get his own spin-off as the Scarlet Spider I was over the moon!
This series sees Kaine relocate to Texas, in an attempt to start a new life, escaping his past.  I would guess this will be more akin to the Venom comic than ASM, judging by the fact that we have seen that Kaine is more willing to cross lines of morality than Peter, though I'm sure this will be more than 'Venom Does Houston'!  I'm really looking forward to getting this title tomorrow.

Batman and Robin #5
I really liked last month's issue of Batman and Robin as it showed that the comic is really trying to give Damian's Robin a separate identity to the other past Robins - rather than merely having him identify and gradually overcome his flaws.  Damian is being tempted to Gotham's darkside by Nobody, who wants Damian to unleash the killer inside of him.  I think this is a really good central concept to the comic, and I hope it lasts longer than the current arc.  Having Damian/Robin working against Bruce/Batman, possibly without him knowing, would be a great angle for the comic - The World's Greatest Detective has an enemy in even his own son/sidekick!
But anyway, whether this is the route the comic takes, I have been quite enjoying this series, and hope it keeps up its recent form.

Green Lantern #5
As I mentioned last month, this series has not been leaving much of an impression on me beyond its interesting concept.  I don't feel like enough happens in each issue or, at least, I don't remember much from issue to issue.  I think i will give this comic to the end of the arc and will decide whether to drop it or not then..
The last issue left on a 'cliffhanger' which I suppose was a little interesting - Sinestro made power rings for dozens of citizens of his home planet, only for them to turn on him.  Maybe when Sinestro turns this situation around, he can turn my perceptions of his book around too?  Or maybe not...

With several Marvel comics I collect being cancelled, and a couple limited series coming to an end, i find myself facing some pretty short stacks in the coming months, so i ask you, are there any comics i should be reading?  Anything outstanding that should not be missed?  Tell me down in the comments.

Also out this week:

Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #528
Captain America #7
Carnage U.S.A. #2
Deadpool #49
Incredible Hulk #4
New Avengers #20
Ultimate Comics X-Men #6
Wolverine #300
Wolverine and the X-Men #4

DC Comics
Batgirl #5
Batwoman #5
Resurrection Man #5
Superboy #5 

Follow me on Twitter for not-so-occasional insights into the geek world: @IFeed_Dish

Dish Out! 

Dish's Stack is where i talk about the comics i will be buying this week!  Judge my taste all you like, but that's what this is! I will normally focus on my thoughts of previous issues and possible developments, but nevertheless be wary of minor (or possibly major) spoilers if you do not keep very up-to-date with series or previews, but I'll do my best not to reveal anything too surprising

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