Those of you who read our look at the best movies of 2011 will know I'm a bit of a movie nerd, so I have decided to produce a bi-weekly look at some of the latest movies due for release and what should be making your must-see list!
After the jump are my movie picks for the next two weeks...
Underworld Awakening
The fourth instalment in the Underworld series sees Kate Beckinsale return as Selene, the leather-clad, ass-kicking, gun-wielding vampire warrior! Set 12 years after the second film, the world has changed dramatically - humanity has become aware of the existence of Vampires and Lycans and, tired of being nothing more than a buffet to them, decided to fight back. Strangely enough, the humans are winning... Selene must therefore hunt down the mysterious hybrid youth Eve who could hold the key to ending the conflict, while also searching for the missing, first hybrid, Michael Corvin.
From the trailers and stills that have been released, this looks like it is set to be a truly amazing film. The visuals and story seem to have maintained the dark noire style that is such a key feature of the Underworld series. After having to endure sparkly vampires and love-struck doggies for the past few years it's good to see a real Vampire vs Werewolf flick. Beckinsale looks a little older (weird for an immortal vampire) but this film seems to have her passing the torch to the young newcomer Indie Eisley.
Verdict: See this film!
Directed by Clint Eastwood, this gritty drama about the life and rise of J Edgar Hoover is set to be one of the year's best dramas. Spanning several decades, the film explores Hoover's rise to power in the FBI through his relationship with the three main influences in his life: his friend, his secretary and his mother. Set amongst key events in America's history, the story of J Edgar Hoover's life has always been a matter of speculation and gossip, especially for a man who famously kept such detailed files on the lives of friends and enemies alike.
Dicapro seems to have come into his own in this role, once again displaying his talent for portraying American icons. Overall this looks to be a truly interesting film with excellent performances also coming from Dame Judi Dench and Armie Hammer. However, biographical films such as these do run the risk of becoming boring or alienating their audiences if they delve too deep into their subject's mind, and from the trailers this is a real risk for J. Edgar. Ultimately I would recommend this film as its potential to impress outweighs any risk in my mind; then again, I am a sucker for a good drama.
Verdict: You should probably give it a chance!
Directed by Madonna, this drama is an exploration of the sacrifices that one must make in order to find true love. As one woman struggles in her own unhappy marriage she begins to identify with the 1936 story of how King Edward VIII abdicated the throne in order to pursue his love for Miss Simpsons. As the film explores each party's relationships, our modern day heroine begins to use the lessons of the 1936 love affair to make huge changes to her own life.
Really this film is trying to set itself up for an Oscar, playing on the Royal fever that seems to have gripped most of middle America since last year. What it really is however is a generic romantic drama, with female X finally realising that she is unhappy and striking out to change this (cue big orchestral music and slow motion running scene). This does not mean that it will be a bad film, just nothing really new. The actors all appear confident and convincing, especially Abbie Cornish as the love lost Wally. Just do not go into this expecting to the shocked or challenged, you will probably see most of the big dramatic moments coming a mile off.

Verdict: Flip a coin!
The Sitter
Jonah Hill returns in another not-so-funny looking comedy. He is a 25 year old layabout who is encouraged by his well meaning, and slightly stupid, mother to become a babysitter for some local kids - cue the hilarity! Hill is attempting to get across town to his impossibly hot girlfriend who has finally decided to "go all the way". Stuck with your stereotypical bad kids, one princess, one nerd and one gangsta this should have some funny moments, but really doesn't.
Even the trailer makes this film looks bad and if it has fallen into the trap of showing the best gags in it I especially pity it. Hill's brand of awkward comedy has never really been my style - for some reason it always seems to scrape on my soul like nails on a chalk board. But if you like his previous main character roles like Superbad and Get him to the Greek, then you may like this.
Verdict: You probably know already whether you want to see it or not.
This is a modern day retelling of Shakespeare's classic tale, interpreted along the same lines as Romeo + Juliet (the Dicaprio version), the film uses the original dialogue but set on a modern background. With themes of political manipulation and power broking, the film follows the rise and fall of Coriolanus, a young General pushed into trying to achieve a powerful position in government by his mother.
While following a classical model, the film itself has a truly modern feel and is set to be a huge hit among film lovers who have a love of classic literature. However, while this may be a excellent adaptation, the play itself is not as widely known as many of the other Shakespeare adaptions and this could lead to many potential viewers not really following or understanding the brilliance of this film. Overall, if you know Coriolanus and it's theme this is a must watch, it truly is one of the best adaptations that I have seen come out in the past few years; if not, read the play before going to see the film otherwise you risk being disappointed and confused.
Verdict: I liked it, you may not.
A Monster in Paris
This tale of a monster with a unique and beautiful ability has already had huge success across the channel in its native France, and now is finally coming to our screens. Being a kids' film, this is not for those looking for anything serious or thought-provoking, but the heart-warming tale of a genetic experiment with a beautiful singing voice will appeal to the child in all of us.
Little more can really be said about this one - while doing nothing special or new it does contain all the right ingredients to make an excellent kids film, one for all the family.
Verdict: See it with kids!
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