Friday, 30 March 2012
Pixel Punk Predicts: WWE Wrestlemania 28
Finally, Pixel Punk has come back to InfinityFeed. Wait, I think I just stole something from The Rock. Ah well, he's too focused on John Cena to notice.
Welcome to 'Pixel Punk Predicts' as we take a look at WWE's biggest event of the year, Wrestlemania 28!
John Cena,
Pixel Punk,
The Rock,
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Random Mechanics - Magic System
For no particular reason I have been thinking a lot about
magic systems in a fantasy setting. For me magic should be extremely powerful,
but also simply mundane. It should be able to achieve anything from blasting a
goblin into oblivion to boiling a kettle. I'm sure that this half thought magic system I
am about to explain has already been attempted and realized in a much better
way, but I'm not aware of where so it won't stop me sharing my random thought.
Brains to Eat - Get your zombie fix in 2012
So with the spectacular finale to The Walking Dead behind us, you may be asking yourself how you're
going to get your Zombie fix until the show's return. Well before you go and
buy a chemistry set and begin work on a zombie inducing virus to sate your need
for brain eating goodness, check out the list below for just a few of the Zombies
related things being released this year.
2.8 Hours Later,
A Little Bit Zombie,
Resident Evil,
The Last of Us,
World War Z,
Thursday, 15 March 2012
What video gaming has taught me...
For most of my life I have played video games. I have achieved many
different feats, some of them long before the invention of achievements. I have
saved the Yolk folk on numerous occasions, I have defended the world against
endless swarms of alien spacecraft with my one ship, I have raided tombs like Indiana
Jones, I have stopped bi-pedal nuclear tanks whilst talking on my phone, I have won the iron-fist tournament as a Japanese school girl as well as the FIFA World Cup with Iran and I have discovered that the cake is a
lie, to name but a few.
Gears of War,
Mass Effect,
Video games,
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Dish's Stack: Marvel and DC Comics 14/03/2012
It's amazing how big a difference a couple of light weeks comic-wise and a week off work can make to getting through a stack of comics - I only have four comics left to read and I am 100% up-to-date! Wowzas!
Again, Venom wasn't out over here, so I am still yet to read the concluding parts to the 'Circle of Four' event, but I am reliably assured that they will be out this week. Fingers crossed!
The DC website has had a revamp, and it's a little more awkward to work out which comics are out and when than it used to be, but I just about have it sussed!
Some great comics out this week, including Fantastic Four, Journey Into Mystery, The Punisher, Batman and Robin and more! Read my fore-thoughts after the jump!
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Green Lantern,
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
The Infinite Stream 07/03/2012

iPad 3,
Peter Molyneux,
The Infinite Stream,
4 RPGs Great for Beginners
When starting out in the hobby, deciding what game to play
can be pretty daunting and more often than not you will probably settle on the
game you have heard most about, which will most likely be Dungeons and Dragons, which is certainly not a bad game and the
current edition is the most beginner friendly one yet, but there are many more
out there that can introduce new players much better. Here are four RPG's for beginners.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
The Infinite Stream 06/03/2012
Dish's Stack: Marvel and DC Comics 07/03/2012
I'm in a little bit of a stick this week - the final part of the Venom event is out this week, but I couldn't get the penultimate issue last week as there was some issue with the copies shipped to the U.K. Apparently I will be able to get both last week's and this week's issues no problem, but it does mean I will have very little to say regarding Venom #14, but that will just give me more to write about next time I guess =)
Read after the jump for forethoughts on Amazing Spider-Man, Winter Soldier and Action and Detective Comics!
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Monday, 5 March 2012
The Infinite Stream 05/03/2012
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Netflix Catalogue: 'Never Back Down'
Today I'll be taking a look at another film in the Netflix catalogue: 'Never Back Down'.
Released in 2008, this film featured a fresh face in Sean Faris, a familiar face in Cam Gigandet, and the girl who seemed to be in every film featuring teenagers, Amber Heard. The film's main story focuses on troubled teen Jake (Sean Faris) as his family moves to Florida and he gets drawn into the underground fighting world.
Friday, 2 March 2012
The Infinite Stream 02/03/2012
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
3 Fantasy Character Backgrounds
As a follow up to my roleplaying tips for beginners, I
figured I would provide some character backgrounds which can be used in any
fantasy setting . Enjoy...
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Dish's Stack: Marvel and DC Comics 29/02/2012
Five Wednesdays this month means my monthlies have been spread out over an extra week: resulting in the fact that I have nearly caught up with my stack! A small week this week is slightly disappointing, but does mean I may actually be reading comics the week they come out some time soon!
Read after the jump for my forethoughts on Amazing Spider-Man, Justice League and more!
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Fantastic Four,
Justice League,
Monday, 27 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 27/02/2012

The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 27/02/2012!
The Infinite Stream
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Adventurer School: Roleplaying tips for Beginners
Friday, 24 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 24/02/2012

Digital Distribution - The answer to Piracy?
Filesharing: most of us have done it at some point (maybe you have
uTorrent running right now) but that doesn't make us criminals...right? Well, filesharing itself isn't illegal of course, but most of the files that are uploaded/downloaded are. This is a problem that has had a lot of attention lately with the SOPA and PIPA Acts in the US. and more recently filesharing has come into the spotlight right here in the UK.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Bieber on Movies
Well it seems the month of February
is pretty dry in terms of decent movie releases. I’d like to use this as the
excuse for why this column was absent last week, and it was partly due to the
lack of any major releases but also due to some unforeseen work commitments.
Now back to business though, and unfortunately
the close of February sees only a few worthwhile releases entering our cinemas over
the next few weeks. This could be because of a little thing called the BAFTA's, but sure isn't helped by the re-release of many of last years 'best' films. But if you missed out on some of those “must see” films go check out the listings, you might just be in luck.
The Infinite Stream 22/02/2012
Borderlands 2,
Guild Wars 2,
The Infinite Stream
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 21/02/2012

The Infinite Stream,
Dish's Stack: Marvel and DC Comics 22/02/2012
After a conversation with my good friend Scott, I have decided to ween myself off Marvel and DC Comics in the coming months and support some of the other comic publishers, and do my part to support the industry! So I'll be doing some research over the coming weeks/months, and then you can expect to see me writing about Image, IDW, Dark Horse, 2000AD etc. comics, rather than exclusively focusing on the 'Big Two'.
But until then, I will carry on my 'mainstream' ways! This week I take a look at Deadpool; Fantastic Four; Superman and more! Read on after the jump!
Monday, 20 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 20/02/2012

GTA 5,
I Am Legend,
The Infinite Stream,
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Demo Station
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Pixel Punk Predicts: WWE Elimination Chamber 2012
Welcome to another instalment of 'Pixel Punk Predicts', where I take a look forward to WWE's second Pay Per View of the year, 'Elimination Chamber'.
Friday, 17 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 17/02/2012
The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 17/02/2012!
Thursday, 16 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 16/02/2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 14/02/2012
Dish's Stack: Marvel and DC Comics 15/02/2012
The current format of this column isn't particularly working for me anymore: remembering issues up to, and over, a month old can be quite difficult, especially for the series not really pushing my buttons. So I'm thinking about giving things a re-jig and see what happens!
This week heralds the beginning of the second year of Marvel's 'Point One' initiative with Amazing Spider-Man #679.1, and another two of my favourite books - Daredevil and Batman - also have new issues to bring this week's quality of books oh-so very high. Read about these and more after the jump!
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Demo Station
This week was a small one for demos on PSN and Xbox Live, but here I will still give the my opinion on what dropped this week in this late edition of Demo Station.
Monday, 13 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 13/02/2012
World Building: Building Blocks
Last time I gave an introduction to this series of articles
and explained what I am hoping to achieve with them. Hopefully that got you
excited about creating your own world and your ready to start the next step.
Today I will be talking about laying the foundations of your game area to give
yourself a good starting point.
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Challege Accepted: Pokemon Master - Part Zero
It has taken longer for me to get to a point where I could justify doing an update than I originally hoped. I wouldn't say that I'm behind schedule per se, but I haven't done as much as I would have liked, since declaring the challenge, for several reasons that I will detail below. So read on after the jump for the first progress report on my quest to become a Pokemon Master!
Challenge Accepted,
Pokemon Master
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Netflix Catalogue: 'Are You Scared?'
Are You Scared,
drinking game,
Pixel Punk,
Friday, 10 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 10/02/2012
World Building: Baby Steps
With the end of my regular D&D game in sight, I have found
myself looking at other RPGs on the market to find something interesting to
play with my group. We have a lot of options, and decisions are yet to be made,
but with the possibility of jumping into the Game Master's chair I got to
thinking about how I would tackle creating a new campaign. Obviously the biggest
challenge of that is building the world in which the players would live, fight
and die (muhaha) in. So with that in mind, I figured I would write a short
series of articles about how I go about world building, hopefully help some
folks out, and maybe learn a thing or two in the process.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 09/02/2012
The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 09/02/2012!
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 08/02/2012
Mass Effect,
The Bourne Legacy,
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 07/02/2012
Dish's Stack: Marvel and DC Comics 08/02/2012
There was an Amazing Spider-Man out last week that I completely missed in this column - I suppose that's what I get for relying solely on Comic Book Resources' previews to find out what is out in a given week...
Anyway, I most certainly haven't left anything out this week! The second part of the month-long Venom event is here, as is Spidey's other spin-off-pal Scarlet Spider, where Kaine gets to grips with being a 'hero', and Deadpool gets an event of its own as well, with 'Dead' starting in this week's issue #50. Read my fore-thoughts on these comics and more after the jump!
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Green Lantern,
Monday, 6 February 2012
The Infinite Stream 06/02/2012

The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 06/02/2012!
Saturday, 4 February 2012
Demo Station
This week on Demo Station I look at the First Templar, Pixel Junk: Sidescroller and Under Seige. As if that wasn't enough for one week to follow up I am joined by Pixel Punk as we take on Syndicate's Co-op multiplayer, giving you two opinions for the price of one!
Friday, 3 February 2012
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Who will read the Watchmen prequels?
As I wrote yesterday, DC Comics have announced that, this summer, new stories/content will be coming from the world of The Watchmen. I only gave a brief summary of the upcoming prequels, as I felt a whole article on the story was necessary, so read after the jump for more facts and opinions on this announcement, including what the original creators, Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, think of this new content.
The Infinite Stream 02/02/2012
The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 02/02/2012!
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Bieber on Movies
Bieber on Movies
With cold weather fast approaching InfinityFeed HQ what
better way to stay warm and comfy than with a good film. But whilst it does
mean venturing out I’m sure you’ll agree that this fortnight’s selection of
films looks like it will be worth it. So here is a look at the latest up and
coming releases at the cinema, we hope you enjoy.
The Infinite Stream 01/02/2012
The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 01/02/2012!
Iron Man,
The Infinite Stream,
Playing away from home.
Earlier this week Dash and I were chatting about the Metal Gear
Solid HD Collection, which is due out on Friday 3rd February, when Dash brought up the point that certain series seem more
at home on a certain console rather than another. This maybe because that was where
the first game in a series had been an exclusive, before becoming multi-platform, or maybe we just feel the game better suited our preconceptions about
each company when compared to each other.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
The Infinite Stream 31/01/2012
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics 01/02/2012
Another pretty small stack for me this week, I really need to branch out a little... It may be short, but there are some really good comics out this week, including the first part of the Venom mini-event and part two of Action Comics' prelude/side-story which began last month. Oh yeh, and a little title starting this month called Winter Soldier! Read on after the jump for my fore-thoughts on these and (a couple) more comics that I am getting this week!
Captain America,
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
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