I'm in a little bit of a stick this week - the final part of the Venom event is out this week, but I couldn't get the penultimate issue last week as there was some issue with the copies shipped to the U.K. Apparently I will be able to get both last week's and this week's issues no problem, but it does mean I will have very little to say regarding Venom #14, but that will just give me more to write about next time I guess =)
Read after the jump for forethoughts on Amazing Spider-Man, Winter Soldier and Action and Detective Comics!
Amazing Spider-Man #681
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Some characters are just made for team-ups, and Spider-Man and Johnny Storm are two such guys. The interplay between the two was just perfect with them riffing on eachother like brothers - harsh words but not mean-spirited in the slightest.
The comic would have been a fantastic one even if it was just a standard 'Adventure of the Week' with Pete and Johnny, but the tale was taken to awesome heights with the story set in space! The setting required both heroes to think outside the box; the lack off gravity and oxygen affecting both of them of them greatly.
The stakes are high, with many lives on the space-station in the balance, but the threat on board is more than a little bit tongue-in-cheek, in my opinion, and is just the sort of thing needed to offset the potentially quite serious issues coming in the 'Ends of the Earth' event.
In all, I have no doubt that this week's issue will round off a fantastic first 'proper' story for the newbies gathered from the Point One issue!
Fear Itself: The Fearless #10
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It seems characters in the Marvel U were thinking along the same wavelengths as I was a couple of weeks ago since, in the last issue, Captain America and Doctor Strange gathered to tell Valkyrie that she needed to accept their help.
But what a double-edged sword this offer turned out to be(!) when her sanctuary was breached by Crossbones as a result of the Steves' entrance creating a path for the villains the track the hammers.I hope the action speeds up a little now that we are nearing the end of the series, as the last couple of issues have kind of breezed through with very little happening - even Valkyrie's encounter with Storm was over before anything had particularly happened...
I'm pretty disappointed that I'm wanting this series to be over with, and feeling an obligation to see it through to the end. It started so well, but with so many lackluster issues in a row I can't bring myself to get excited about it any more. Hopefully this and the final two issues will vindicate my (and others') choice to stick with it, and give us the kickass ending the beginning seemed to promise!
Venom #14
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As mentioned above, I have not been able to read last week's Venom due to a problem with shipping the issue and, as a result, I don't have very much to say...
This is the final issue of the 'Circle of Four' event, and it has been quite a ride considering this will be the 6th straight week that we've had a Venom comic and, though there have been multiple creative teams, that is quite the laudable effort!
I have enjoyed the event so far and I hope that these final 2 issues live up to the standard of the first four!
Winter Soldier #3
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Winter Soldier #2 got me thinking about how non-connecting comic series interlink time-wise. This was because Dr Doom is featuring in this first arc but, due to his actions in Fantastic Four and FF, this would not be possible depending on when this series is set... I think it's probably just safest to assume that all series are perfectly ordered so that all series/events are possible without getting into nitty-gritty timelines! Not that you needed me to tell you that =)
Anyway, I think this comic has struck a lovely balance, so far, between the gritty espionage and comic excesses (minigun and jetpack-toting gorilla anyone?), and the story is developing at a pace which has allowed the issues to cram lots of things into the 20-odd pages.
Having not read much Brubaker prior to this series, I was slightly apprehensive about getting this series and how a black-ops series would translate to the comic medium, but if the upcoming issues are anything like the first two, I will have nothing further to worry about!
Action Comics #7
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Last month's Action was a little bit strange, and I didn't always follow what exactly was going on, but I guess I got the gist of it and some more of Superman's background was filled in for anyone who was hazy on the details.
This month's issue, however, returns to the arc that was begun in the first four issues - an alien race has captured the entirety of Metropolis, and intends to vacuum-seal it away in its collection (I think that's right - I'm trying to remember without re-reading). Superman had a plan to save everyone, but in all honesty I'm just expecting it to be "I'm going to fly over there and kick alien butt! Okay?", but I'm prepared to be pleasantly surprised!
This was one of my favourite comics prior to the two-issue interlude, which has kind of taken the wind out of my sails for this series, but with the action (*wink*) returning to the 'proper' story, you'd think the comic will be hitting the highs that we saw before Christmas!
Detective Comics #7
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From one comic I'm expecting to knock it out of the park, to one I'm expecting to strike out (if it hasn't already!).
It's not secret that I'm finding this comic a little dull, especially when compared to Batman and Batman and Robin, which have both been consistently good through their short runs so far. But I'm still willing to give this series its chance - last issue provided some signs that it could come good any time now, and possibly just needs a spark for it to really get going.
Though saying that, despite remembering that I thought last issue was a step in the right direction, I can't for the life of me remember what happened - not exactly a good sign!
I do remember taht everyone has ended up on Penguins boat, and Bruce's latest lady-friend is doing some sleuthing of her own, and came across her (villainous?) sister! There are also mysterious murders that have been taking place, but I'd guess this story is about to wrap up anyway - such densely packed characters inevitably lead to explosive confrontations!
Also out this week:
Avengers Academy #27
Defenders #4
Hulk #49
Ultimate Comics Spider Man #8
Uncanny X-Men #8
Wolverine #302
Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #3
DC Comics
Animal Man #7
Batwing #7
Green Arrow #7
Justice League International #7
Red Lanterns #7
Swamp Thing #7
Dish Out!
Dish's Stack is where I talk about the comics I will be buying this week! Judge my taste all you like, but that's what this is! I will normally focus on my thoughts of previous issues and possible developments, but nevertheless be wary of minor (or possibly major) spoilers if you do not keep very up-to-date with series or previews, but I'll do my best not to reveal anything too surprising!
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