'Man of Steel' trailer will debut with Dark Knight Rises

But then The Dark Knight happened, and Christopher Nolan became the superhero-movie guy. Given production and script-writing duties, it is hoped, by pretty much everyone, that Nolan can make lightning strike twice.
The DC Comics, Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan connections make it a complete no-brainer to everyone to find out that our first look at Man of Steel will come courtesy of a teaser trailer playing before Dark Knight Rises in the summer. I don't think I'm remotely alone in being very interested in seeing even a small bit of this movie - very little is known about it, to be honest, and, if rumours prove true, this could be the first film in the long rumoured Justice League franchise of movies set to rival Marvel's Avengers films. Even if you couldn't care less about a new Superman film, that is something you should be excited about.
(Via Examiner Via CosmicBookNews)
Additional races for Mass Effect 3 multiplayer a possibility
Though reactions were 'hostile', to say the least, when it was announced that Mass Effect 3 was going to have a multiplayer element, it seems to be going down pretty well with those currently playing the demo/beta.
Initially you will be able to play as Asari, Drell, Krogan, Quarian, Salarian, Turian and, of course, human, but Senior Combat Designer Corey Gaspur stated, when asked about races that had been left out, "The team is open to suggestions from the community. As for your favourite races that were not included never say never :-)", clearly hinting that something may already be in the works.
As a sidenote, EA have announced that anyone pre-ordering Mass Effect 3 through Origin will receive Battlefield 3 for free - I doubt this will change many people's minds about which platform to get the game on, but it may just push some people over that are on the fence about whether to get the game on the PC at launch or wait.
(Via GamingUnion)
Valve selling Team Fortress 2 virtual ring for $100
Valve are no stranger to selling purely aesthetic accessories for their multiplayer-shooter/Hat-wearing simulator but this latest addition is quite an odd one even for them. A really expensive odd one at that.

All accepted proposals are broadcast to the Team Fortress 2 community, so anyone and everyone can congratulate you for taking the plunge (into your wallet!).
Personally, I don't see this as the cutesy sign of affection I think Valve are trying to make us think it is. Sure, some people may really appreciate the gesture, but it seems more like an opportunity to squeeze $100 out of 'completionists' or 'collectors' or 'hipsters' or whatever the hell you want to call them. As Valve themselves said "We're not sure why anyone would buy the Something Special For Someone Special ring, but we're sure someone will", so I guess they're at least being honest about ripping you off...
(Via EuroGamer)
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