The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 14/02/2012!
Metal Gear Solid demo out on 3DS on Thursday
Metal Gear Solid 3DS comes out next week in the US two weeks later in the U.K. and even though most people will have decided whether or not they will be buying this game (as it is a remake of Metal Gear Sold 3: Snake Eater), it is still a good chance to get an early feel for the game, and potentially convince anyone on the fence.
The 3DS is really pumping out the goods recently where 'hardcore' gaming is concerned. This game and last month's Resident Evil: Revelaitons are doing much to get rid of the 'casual' stigma a lot of people believe the older versions of the DS consoles have, and if Nintendo keep showing off games like this, I'm sure they'll succeed!
(Via JustPushStart)
New Pokemon to be given away this Summer

Keldeo, a member of the Muskateer set of legendary Pokemon introduced in Black and White, has finally been officially revealed, though hacking of cartridges means its existence has been known for over a year.The newest Pokemon addition is likely to be given out during some sort of 'event' surrounding the release of the next Pokemon movie: Kyurem and the Sacred Swordsman - Keldeo, though whether this will be via download, or transfer when going to the film is unknown as yet, as is whether/when Keldeo will be released to Western players, as I don't believe Pokemon movies are theatrically released outside of Asia anymore.
However it is done, I'm sure anyone who wants one will have a way of 'catching' a Keldeo of their own!
(Via TheGamersHub)
Warcraft Monopoly and Starcraft Risk announced

I'm not a fan of all the different types of Monopoly - it's the exact same game with differing flavour text - goodbye monies!
Risk, on the other hand, I feel can be enriched by adaptations into different fictional worlds - I myself have a Lord of the Rings version that has been played dozens of times. The gameboard can be justifiably changed to accommodate the IP, and new rules can be added to enrich the game, and make it feel like more than just a re-skin.
Not much word on whether these will see release outside the U.S.A. but I sure hope at least Starcraft Risk makes its way to my local hobbyshop, import costs can be a bitch...
(Via G4TV)
LA Noire 2 a possibility

Of course, Rockstar have the publishing rights to the IP, so they can assign a new studio to make one right? That could well be the case "eventually" according to a Rockstar Q&A.
They said:
"We don't always rush to make sequels, but that does not mean we won't get to them eventually - see Max [Payne] and Red Dead for evidence of that - we have so many games we want to make and the issue is always one of bandwidth and timing."Sounds to me like they're up for it in the future; don't count LA Noire out just yet...
(Via ComputerAndVideogames)
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