Earlier this week Dash and I were chatting about the Metal Gear
Solid HD Collection, which is due out on Friday 3rd February, when Dash brought up the point that certain series seem more
at home on a certain console rather than another. This maybe because that was where
the first game in a series had been an exclusive, before becoming multi-platform, or maybe we just feel the game better suited our preconceptions about
each company when compared to each other.
I will admit that I am a huge Metal Gear Solid nerd, having
played every sequel on Sony consoles since the first one way back on the
original PlayStation back in 1998 and I never questioned which console I would
be getting the HD collection on. Metal Gear Solid belongs on Playstation, and
that’s where (for me at least) it shall stay. I cannot imagine trying to play
Metal Gear Solid on the Xbox 360, but more to the point, neither can Dash.
Dash and I are in different camps when it comes to our video
games, with Dash preferring PC gaming whilst I prefer consoles, but even to
Dash the words “Metal Gear Solid” bring the words “PlayStation” to his mind,
but this got us thinking: is this the only series that this works for?
We consulted with Dish and here are a few others that we feel are more “at home” on one
console rather than any other:
Mass Effect.
Obviously this series (eventually) came to the PS3, but Mass
Effect 1 is still missing in the PS3 library after Mass Effect 2, and Mass
Effect 3’s impending release, yet to us here at InfinityFeed this still feels
like and Xbox 360 exclusive.
Following Joanna Dark this series began life on the Nintendo 64 and Gameboy Color respectively, that is until Rare (again!) moved to Microsoft and took the series with them. Perfect Dark has since been ported to the Xbox Live Arcade but Ms. Dark has not been seen in a new game since 2005 and Perfect Dark Zero. Again, Nintendo, not Xbox 360.
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