New 'I Am Legend' film "Not a prequel"

Arash Amel is set to write a follow-up film that, according to Deadline Staten Island, will not be a prequel and so, you would think, only offers a slim hope that Robert Neville, Will Smith's character, will return. However, with Smith consistently being one of Hollywood's biggest box office draws of the last decade or so, you would think Warner Bros. would be desperate to have him in the film, no matter how ludicrous the explanation....aaaaand it seems like this is the case. Will Smith has said he won't sign onto the sequel until he has seen a finished script, but I'm sure Warner's will make every effort to ensure he appears.
I quite liked I Am Legend, it had some good moments, but it was by no means a classic and shoe-horning a sequel into the IP seems like a pretty strange move, despite the first making so much money.
(Via FilmSchoolRejects)
Valve "Would consider" releasing hardware
Valve head-honcho Gabe Newell has revealed in an interview with Penny Arcade that he would consider developing and releasing a home-console "if they had to".
He sees the need to develop and innovate gaming continuously as being of utmost importance, and if no-one else were doing it, he said he and his company would be willing to take up the torch.
So don't go holding your breath for seeing Steam: Living Room Edition any time soon, but it is encouraging that should Sony and/or Microsoft die a console death (Nintendo is going to be around forever) that there is someone willing to pick up the slack."We have no reason to believe we're any good at it, it's more we think that we need to continue to have innovation and if the only way to get these kind of projects started is by us doing and developing and selling the hardware directly then that's what we'll do."
(Via TechRadar)
GTA5 to get accompanying video series
Dragon Age had one; so did Assassin's Creed; and Dead Space had it's anime. So after years of rumours and speculation of a Hollywood film, is Grand Theft Auto finally getting a video series? If trademarks filed by Take-Two are any indication, that answer could be "yes!".
'GTA TV' and 'Rockstar TV' have been trademarked in the U.S. and could reveal intentions to make and release separate video content based on the best-selling criminal sandbox series. The 'Rockstar TV' trademark is also interesting in that it could suggest that there could be other series developed around other Rockstar properties such as Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire, or Max Payne.
Obviously the registering could mean no more than Take-Two thinking they need to protect their properties, but the gaming-scene is developing into a multi-media industry with books, comics, soundtracks and video series from other publishers providing additional revenue streams, it would make sense for one of the most popular (never mind one of the best written and most suitable for video accompaniment) videogame series to get some sort of non-interactive tie-in.
(Via NowGamer)
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