The Infinite Stream is where we post about items that are news-worthy but not necessarily require their own full article. Check after the jump for news from 06/02/2012!
Extended Avengers Superbowl trailer!
You've already seen it everywhere else, but what kind of a 'geek' blog could we call ourselves if we didn't post this trailer? See below for the most revealing Avengers trailer yet!
The coolest thing about this trailer is how little we still know about the film, despite all that it shows us - the 'alien' race can still be pretty much any one of half a dozen races that Marvel have in the repertoire, and message boards are alight debating which one it "obviously" is - I for one have no goddamn clue, but I might watch it another couple dozen times to see if I can tell...
DC Comics hold all 10 spots in comic bestseller list for January
The 'New 52' reboot of DC Comics superhero line did exactly what it was meant to - boost sales! Plus we got some pretty kickass comics out of it. And, five months in, DC are continuing to see sales figures through the roof for their biggest titles, and last month they published every one of the Top 10 bestselling comics! The list is as follows:
- Justice League #5
- Batman #5
- Action Comics #5
- Detective Comics #5
- Green Lantern #5
- Batman: The Dark Knight #5
- Superman #5
- The Flash #5
- Batman and Robin #5
- Aquaman #5
(Via ComicBookResources)
How did the Half-Life 2 'Protest' go?
Just a quick update here: Last week I reported that a Steam community group was going to stage a 'sit in' of sorts, and play Half-Life 2 over the weekend, to try and get Valve to release information about Half-Life (Episode) 3. Nearly 50,000 people signed up to pledge their support for this cause.....and a whopping 13,000 people 'showed up'. Ooops.
Not even a quarter of gamers who 'promised' to play Half-Life 2 on Saturday actually came through (myself included in the absentees - whoops, I forgot...). But the effort is still seen by the organisers as a relative success, as the game only narrowly missed out on a place in the Top 10 most played Steam games at one point - it sat in 11th place, 2000 players shy of the 10th spot.
I do not think this is the last we will hear from 'A Call For Communication' (the organising community group), at least until something more is heard about the mysteriously secret franchise.
(Via GameFront)
Skyrim 'Creation Kit' comes tomorrow!
Even though it was "definitely" coming in January, Bethesda have promised that the Skyrim Creation Kit will be in our hands tomorrow, along with a "special surprise".
The Creation Kit will allow people to create mods for the game using very similar tools to the ones that the developers themselves used to make the game in the first place; and in a first for Bethesda titles, the Creation Kit will be fully integrated into Steam, so players will be able to browse and install mods from the comfort of the Steam launcher, without having to trawl through websites hosting potentially harmful files - though independent sites may still host mods for download, for those communities that wish to do so.
We have already posted two articles here on Infinity Feed, describing/advertising our favourite mods from the pre-Creation Kit era, so expect a couple more in the coming months once we've seen what people are capable of!
(Via Bit-Tech)
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