Saturday, 31 December 2011
Friday, 30 December 2011
Challenge Accepted! : An Introduction
We have big plans for the new year over here at Infinity Feed: Video based content; Webcomics; more Top 5s and reviews; and a couple secret projects in the works... One other thing we have all decided to do is this column: Challenge Accepted! This is where we will be taking on quests suggested by each other (and possibly readers if we get a good suggestion!) of varying difficulty. Some may be simple, but others will be bordering on the torturous... We will be writing weekly/monthly updates to these challenges - whichever is more suitable - and taking on side-quests along the way. Read on after the jump to find out what challenges Shep and I (the lucky first two to receive challenges) will be tackling!
Big Boss,
Challenge Accepted,
Metal Gear Solid,
Assassin's Creed: Revelations Review
Ezio may be old, but he's still got it!
The fourth instalment of the hugely popular Assassin's Creed
games arrived with promises of improved graphics, environments and most
importantly (in my opinion) answers. Having played through all three of the
previous console games, one of the most intriguing, yet simultaneously annoying, points of the series is how it hints
at a much wider and deeper narrative that we only ever see glimpses of. So, eager to
have all my questions answered, I swan-dived into the haystack game.
Thursday, 29 December 2011
Shep’s Top 5 things that made me rage in 2011.
You know the deal, occasionally there are things and people out there that seem to not only know which buttons in your brain will cause you to flip out and passionately hate them, but the correct order to press said buttons to get the maximum amount of rage possible. This list is dedicated to the things I hate the most from 2011.
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Infinity Feed's Top Video Games of 2011
Those game making people outdid themselves this year, giving us so many amazing games to play. So we at InfinityFeed have all picked our favourites, and figured we would share our thoughts. See our picks after the jump!
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 28/12/11
I did not read nearly as many comics as i intended to over the Christmas break, so my stack is growing to quite an intimidating size.. Making it grow even further tomorrow include The Flash #4 and the penultimate issue of the Alpha Flight limited series. These and more after the jump.
Friday, 23 December 2011
Famous birthdays - In Honor of Dish
To celebrate Dish from Infinity Feed's birthday on the 22nd of this month, I've decided to do a quick entry looking into celebrity births on this day.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
FullMetal Alchemist: the Sacred Star of Milos Trailer
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 21/12/11
After last week's relatively short stack, i get one of a respectable size this week including: Amazing Spider-Man #676, Daredevil #7 and Batman #4. My thoughts and previews after the jump!
Captain America,
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Monday, 19 December 2011
Single Player or Multi Player
Call of Duty,
Elder Scrolls,
3DS Ambassador GBA Games Part Two
In this half of my breakdown of the 3DS Ambassador GBA games, i will be looking at Mario Kart: Super Circuit; Super Mario Advance 3 : Yoshi's Island; The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap; Kirby and the Amazing Mirror and Wario Land 4.
Part one can be found here.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
What does the future hold for MMOs?
The MMO market is a
fat, over-saturated sloth that occasionally shits out a sparkly
golden turd. The late nineties to early 2000s saw an exponential
explosion in the massively multiplayer industry, a time when
Everquest was at its height and hits like Runescape, Anarchy Online
and Dark Age of Camelot were brought to fruition. Fast-forward to
2011 and releases are coming thick and fast with no fewer than 10
launches from western companies and around three times that amount in
the east. Where innovation reigned back in 2002, now we're seeing a
vast number of clones and sub-par experiences within a turgid vat of
blandness. The future seems bleak for the genre. But is it? Here are
my predictions for what the future holds for MMOs.
3DS Ambassador GBA Games Part One
I was one of the suckers who pre-ordered the 3DS based merely on the potential of newest Nintendo handheld - technology-wise and the game that had been announced. The launch titles were not very good however (mine came with a 3D port of Rayman 2), and sales (bar release-weekend surges) mirrored this.
Early August saw Nintendo take pretty drastic action to boost sales of the flagging console, as they cut the 3DS' price by almost a third. Needless to say, early adopters were not pleased! At this point Nintendo could have shrugged off the screaming hordes of their faithful fans claiming "It's business", but instead announced the 3DS Ambassador program, proving once again they are in a class above their gaming rivals.
The program meant anyone that had registered their 3DS in the eShop by the end of August would receive 20(!) free games - 10 NES and 10 GBA. I downloaded my NES games in early September and was a little underwhelmed; the titles were pretty predictable and consisted of games the majority of gamers will have owned or at least played at one time or another.
The list of GBA games (released last Friday) however, is superb! I was tingling with excitement while downloading them, and just knew i would have to review them. So here is Part One of my breakdown of the 3DS Ambassador GBA games!
Saturday, 17 December 2011
The InfinityFeed Top 5 Alternative Christmas Movies
The festive period is truly upon us and like everyone else
our minds are on one thing: Which Christmas movies to watch to avoid conversing
with family?
Every year the TV people show the same tired movies and chalk it up to tradition but this year we all, here at InfinityFeed HQ, shall begin a new
tradition of watching the 5 greatest Christmas movies in a single movie
marathon. Should anybody wish to join us in this new tradition this is the
InfinityFeed top 5 Christmas movies!
Friday, 16 December 2011
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn Review
the sun shine"
Since its release in 2004 the Nintendo DS and its recent
successor the 3DS has had a bit of a rollercoaster ride in terms of popularity
amongst gamers such as myself. This has nothing however to do with the console
itself, which I personally believe is an amazing and hugely innovative piece of
kit, much like it's big brother the Wii.
The DS', and let's face it the Wii's, problems lie in the games - the majority of which are unfortunately slap-dash jobs put together by third party companies out to make a quick-buck. Now before the rage sets in and forces you to write some obscene comment below I am not saying all Nintendo games are like this, there are exceptions: notably anything Nintendo produces itself such as Zelda, Metroid, Mario and the focus of my review today the new chapter in Golden Sun series: Dark Dawn.
The DS', and let's face it the Wii's, problems lie in the games - the majority of which are unfortunately slap-dash jobs put together by third party companies out to make a quick-buck. Now before the rage sets in and forces you to write some obscene comment below I am not saying all Nintendo games are like this, there are exceptions: notably anything Nintendo produces itself such as Zelda, Metroid, Mario and the focus of my review today the new chapter in Golden Sun series: Dark Dawn.
Legend RPG Review
A few weeks ago Mongoose released their latest RPG Legend. It uses the core rules from
their previous RPG Rune Quest II.
Basically Mongoose no long have the rights to RQII and decided to continue to
support their system and rebranded the game without any RQ material. I never
played RQII but this seems like a good move.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Sonic the Hedgehog Generations Review.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Top 5 TV Sidekicks
The heroes of TV shows often have the problem of being fairly boring, what with all having the same 'I must save everyone' complex, always choosing self sacrifice over a decision that actually makes sense, and this can get very irritating and that is where the sidekick comes in. Someone to make up for the heroes failings, and a way for the show to have a bit more fun with a character. Today I will be looking at my 5 favourites from the not-so-unsung sidekick crowd.
Home Improvement,
How I Met Your Mother,
Top 5
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 14/12/11
A pretty short stack for me this week, but included are Journey into Mystery #632 and Batman and Robin #4. My thoughts on these and more after the jump!
A look at the 360 Avatar Marketplace
Today I'll be looking into a personal little gripe of mine, the Avatar Marketplace on the Xbox 360.
I guess you might say its a little geeky to care about my Xbox avatar but I see it as a fun little feature of the Xbox dashboard. However I also begrudge using Microsoft points to buy items or clothing for my little character when I can use them on a decent arcade title or expansion for a game.
![]() |
Game Styles on the marketplace |
I guess you might say its a little geeky to care about my Xbox avatar but I see it as a fun little feature of the Xbox dashboard. However I also begrudge using Microsoft points to buy items or clothing for my little character when I can use them on a decent arcade title or expansion for a game.
Sunday, 11 December 2011
A Wizards Tale - Blood, Traps and Babies
A Wizards Tale is a place where I will tell the stories that have happened to me over the many years of playing RPG's. Inspired by The Spoony One's 'Counter Monkey' series, some stories will be funny, some shocking and others just out right insane. It may not all be exactly as it happened as my mind gets cloudy but the morals are still there. So Sit back and enjoy...

Friday, 9 December 2011
Top 5 Badass Zelda Weapons
![]() |
Incredible Photoshop Skills... |
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Dash on... How I Met Your Mother 'Symphony of Illumination'
by Dash
This weeks instalment of How I Met Your Mother brings us a Christmas episode...well sort of. 'Symphony of Illumination' is the second episode of the show to not be narrated by future Ted, the first being 'The Stinson Missile Crisis' which like this one was narrated by Robin and also happened just 8 episodes ago.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Pixel Punk's Top 5 Annoying Female Game Characters
Today I'll be taking you on a trip to the tiny part of my mind that spends precious time thinking about topics as useless as this one.
Here, for your amusement and potential agreement, is 'Pixel Punk's Top 5 Annoying Female Game Characters'....
Here, for your amusement and potential agreement, is 'Pixel Punk's Top 5 Annoying Female Game Characters'....
Sunday, 4 December 2011
The last Airbender: The Legend of Korra Opening Sequence
ICO & Shadow of the colossus Classics HD Review.
It has been way too long.
Like a retired hero asked once more to strap on his breast
plate only to find that his once rippling abs have turned to jelly, his
sword is seemingly much heavier than he remembered after 5 years of enjoying
life once again I set off on my quest to save a fair maiden by killing 16 innocent
monsters, knowing in the back of my mind that I no longer was the colossi
killing god I once was, but accepting the task without fear regardless.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Marvel Double Shot: Captain America vs Thor
*Pixel Punk has signed in*
This entry will be a Marvel double shot of two video games based on Marvel films.
This entry will be a Marvel double shot of two video games based on Marvel films.
Now I can admit that a lot of movie based games have had a long history of being terrible.....couple that with the fact that SEGA haven't been at their best for a long time and there isn't much to get excited about!
I started playing Captain America first which I blasted through within a few sessions and then I moved onto Thor....for the life of me I wish I had done it the other way around.
Captain America,
Pixel Punk,
Xbox 360
Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3
Battlefield 3 vs Modern Warfare 3
By Bieber
It's that time of year again when the latest batch of first person
shooters are released, just in time for the festive season. As usual there are
two main contenders, Activision's Modern Warfare 3 and EA's Battlefield 3.
These two titles have had massive advertising campaigns and boast a host of new
and improved features and gameplay but do they deliver? Well lets pit them both
against each other and see if we cannot separate the noob from the vet.
The single player experience of FPS's has been neglected of late in
favour of an enhanced multiplayer experience. Do either of these games break
the trend?
The Modern Warfare 3 campaign mode tries to be an epic action story but
ultimately fails to deliver. The game attempts to build tension through
different mission types and game play styles, but isn't at all engaging and I
found myself not caring about the fate of the characters. Activision tried to
make the player feel like a badass right out of a Schwarzenegger or Stallone
movie, but due the inept enemy AI most of the time the player is left feeling
more like Reb Brown.
The Battlefield 3 campaign mode on the other hand is much more engaging,
I found myself truly caring about the characters from the get go. The in
mission banter between NPC's allows you to get to know the characters, reminiscent
of the scene where Ripley meets Hicks and the rest of the marines in 'Aliens'
for the first time, leading you to actually care about your team when under
fire from the rather intelligent enemies. The gameplay is mixed up from time to
time allowing you to be an airplane gunner or driving a tank, this succeeds
where Modern Warfare 3 failed to deliver.
Modern Warfare 3's online experience is disappointing, feeling more like
an expansion pack for Modern Warfare 2. Some things have changed slightly, such
as the rewards system being split into offensive and defensive rewards, however
this doesn't offer much new over its predecessor. The survival mode is back,
sans-zombies. This time around the player is pitted against waves of
increasingly difficult enemies, similar to Gears of War's Horde mode. While
this is good it isn't anywhere near as ground breaking as the original Zombie Survival
Battlefield 3's multiplayer experience imposes a bigger emphasis on
working as a team opposed to running off on your own trying to be a hero. While
it does not have a plethora of extra modes the customisation options available
allowing for a more unique experience, keeping players engrossed and wanting to
play more to unlock new content. This feels like a totally new experience
rather than an expansion to previous content.
The graphics of Modern Warfare 3 are not much of a leap forward from its predecessor. The character models and environments still look great but the graphics fail when it comes to the backgrounds. This isn't so much of a problem when fully engaged in the action but once noticed it becomes hard to ignore, disengaging the player from the experience.

In conclusion Battlefield 3 rules supreme over Modern Warfare 3. Whereas
the latter lacks in depth, graphics and innovative ideas, Battlefield 3
delivers in all these areas, only lacking the extra modes. Clearly InfinityFeed
recommends Battlefield 3 over its competitor as it is much greater value for
money, rather than feeling like a glorified expansion pack.
Modern Warfare,
Xbox 360
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