
Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 14/12/11

A pretty short stack for me this week, but included are Journey into Mystery #632 and Batman and Robin #4.  My thoughts on these and more after the jump!

Battlescars #2
This comic seemed to take a bit of a beating for its first issue from review sites as far as i could tell, but i really quite enjoyed it.  I thought Marcus Johnson was introduced reasonably well, and the scenes had just enough action and mystery to keep me intrigued as to where this series may be headed.  There were no clues whatsoever towards the reasoning behind labeling Ranger Johnson as the next 'big' player in the Marvel U, but it's still early days and the team may have a big surprise for us all..

Ghost Rider #7
I would normally be writing that this comic has gone way down hill recently and was in danger of being dropped from my stack, but it having been cancelled i find myself submitting to collecting the entirety of this run, especially since both the new Ghost Rider and Johnny Blaze are appearing in the upcoming Venom event, and i want to see how things play out here.  Since the end of Fear Itself this comic has had a couple self-contained stories based around Alejandra discovering herself and the world around her, which i believed i was calling for last month, but the way it has been done has been pretty one-dimensional (the 'surprise' ending to last issue aside i guess).  A guest appearance from Hawkeye is no real indicator of whether this issue is likely to be an improvement of recent form, or a continuation of decline but i sincerely hope it is the former.

Iron Man 2.0 #11
Last issue dropped the exposition and had Rhodey jump head first into the action, and a neat little comic was had.  I would have preferred if the robots he was up against had put up more of a fight but, then again, he is wearing one of the most advanced pieces of tech in the world, and i can't have it both ways..  The developments of Palmer Adley's plot last month were pretty extreme and it is difficult to think how a hero of James Rhodes' skill set will defeat the obstacles he's faced with, but i'm pretty sure a wrap-up is on its way any issue now.

Journey Into Mystery #632
Loki continues to pay the price for his meddling with the planes of existence during Fear Itself, with things looking to come to a head sometime in the new year.  Previews hint toward the return of the hellhound Loki bound to his control during that event, and he's sure to be pretty angry!  It appears the revelations of Thor's disappearance will be covered entirely within the Mighty Thor series, which is probably a good thing, since Loki has enough on his plate without being tasked with solving that little mystery too!  At the moment this book is one of my favourites, always jumping to the top of my pile, and it can pretty much do no wrong by me at this point.  Long may that continue!

Batman and Robin #4
Last issue the villain of this arc finally made himself known to the Dynamic Duo (how have i not used this phrase in my blog yet?) - the baddie known as 'NoBody'!  I'll confess, i know very little about Batman Inc. so the things NoBody has been doing has meant very little to me, other than knowing he was doing nefarious doings. I'll trust that it has a pretty big influence on the world of the Batman, and that B&R will be doing their utmost to stop him (her/it?)

Green Lantern #4
Another comic that hasn't been thrilling me month after month, but I'm willing to give it a shot because the premise of the first arc seems relatively interesting.  Last issue had a bit of a cliffhanger, in that Hal appeared to have destroyed himself and much of Sinestro's home world, but clearly something else will have happened..  The best part of this series has been the dynamic/banter between Hal and Sinestro, so hopefully they wont be going their separate ways just yet.

Also out this week

Avengers Academy #23
Avengers: X-Sanction #1
Black Panther #526
Carnage USA #1
New Avengers #19
Ultimate Comics X-men #4
Uncanny X-Force #18

DC Comics
Batwoman #4
Resurrection Man #4
Superboy #4

Follow me on Twitter for not-so-occasional insights into the geek world: @IFeed_Dish

Dish Out!

Dish's Stack is where i talk about the comics i will be buying this week!  Judge my taste all you like, but that's what this is! I will normally focus on my thoughts of previous issues and possible developments, but nevertheless be wary of minor (or possibly major) spoilers if you do not keep very up-to-date with series or previews, but I'll do my best not to reveal anything too surprising

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