
Monday, 5 December 2011

Pixel Punk's Top 5 Annoying Female Game Characters

Today I'll be taking you on a trip to the tiny part of my mind that spends precious time thinking about topics as useless as this one.

Here, for your amusement and potential agreement, is 'Pixel Punk's Top 5 Annoying Female Game Characters'....

5. Yorda from 'Ico'

She's listed at number 5 because, out of this list, she is actually the one I tolerate most purely because of my love of the game itself. Not only is Yorda actually the older of the two, she is in fact proof that 16 year old girls are useless! She needs help with everything...all of the time.
Poor Ico being a young, naive whippersnapper decides to be brave and puts up with her crap for the entire time it takes you to finish the game. At least once you finish the game you can play back through in a pseudo two player mode where whoever draws the short straw proceeds to control Yorda...lucky bastard!

4. Ashley Graham from 'Resident Evil 4'

Your main job as Leon isn't to watch your own back but to constantly babysit and protect the President's daughter. Quite possibly this is the video game equivalent of 'Escape From LA', the sequel which saw Snake Plissken once again being manipulated to rescue the President's daughter even though she's an ungrateful idiot. Without this plot device being in the game then technically there would be no need for Leon to visit Spain...*cough* I mean 'Europe' *cough* and with no reason to go there, nobody would have stopped Las Plagas from being spread, a welcome fate for the world compared to taking control of Ashley for a section of the game...with no weapons...thanks Capcom!

3. Sherry Birkin from 'Resident Evil 2'

There was a reason I favoured playing as Leon instead of Claire in Resident Evil 2 and that is Sherry Birkin. At least during Leon's story you meet and control Ada who is as equally useful as the games protagonists. Sherry is the daughter of William and Annette Birkin and is one of the only two playable characters in the Resident Evil series who doesn't wield weapons. Furthermore, she only has her zombie dodging abilities to survive and, of course, her incredibly irritating dialogue, which makes you wish you could reach into the screen and slap her.

2. Navi from 'Zelda: Ocarina of Time'

Hey! Listen! A favourite number one on a lot of 'annoying' lists scattered around the Internet.
Navi spends every waking minute trying to ruin your enjoyment of playing one of the greatest Nintendo games ever created. Seriously...try playing without getting annoyed!

1. Princess Peach from the 'Super Mario' games

Without doubt the most annoying female character!

How many times can this woman get kidnapped without even thinking of increasing defences at the castle she lives in or buying a rape alarm or something!?
Speaking of the castle, if she is the princess then where the hell are the King and Queen?
Surely, Bowser would kidnap Peach for a ransom sum and every time Mario comes to the rescue what does he get?

A frikkin' cake!

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