A Wizards Tale is a place where I will tell the stories that have happened to me over the many years of playing RPG's. Inspired by The Spoony One's 'Counter Monkey' series, some stories will be funny, some shocking and others just out right insane. It may not all be exactly as it happened as my mind gets cloudy but the morals are still there. So Sit back and enjoy...

We charged into the dungeon, swords held high, shields at
the ready, bows drawn and staves waving, but little did we suspect that this
would be far from the simple dungeon delve we had assumed we were in for. Instead
we found an abandoned ruin and we fairly quickly realised that the previous
inhabitants were a mean bunch.
The first room was an entrance hall, with a tapestry, a big
ass statue and some helmets in the shape of different animals. We figured we
had to put one of the helmets on the statue, I mean why else would they be
there? We studied the tapestry looking for clues and figured it out, it was the
Wolf helmet. We sent the fighter off to put the helmet on the statue while the
rest of us proceeded to back away...just in case. But it didn't matter how much
we backed away, because a poisonous gas began to fill the room. Apparently we
hadn't figured it out at all. We threw the other helmets to the fighter who
tried them one after another until...finally! we got the right one, the last
one of course. A door opened *EXHALE* "We're alive" I screamed as the
gas dissipated and we could finally breath again.
Needless to say my Wizard, Elric didn't like this place too
much. Before he got caught up in all this saving the world nonsense he was
living a comfortable life using his magical talents to con the rich out of
their gold and the women out of their clothes. Now he spent his days in the
company of a foul smelling Goliath, a morally ambiguous Eladrin and an Elf who
had clearly spent time in some kind of city gang. And after nearly being killed
for what seemed like the 200th time he knew things were not going to get any
We kept travelling through this hell hole of a ruin, fighting
our way passed traps, including one that killed our leader just to have him unexpectedly
revived in my arms as I was about to throw him into a pool of what I assumed
was blood, that I hoped would somehow heal him...it made sense at the time...to
After finally getting to kill something we had discovered a
few things; the people who lived here were dicks, for some reason they had a
room with 4 pools of strange liquid in, and a room with 5 portals in, 4 of
which were traps. We had no idea what so ever which portal we had to go
through, after mostly blindly forcing our way through the traps previous to
this we were not prepared to make this decision, one that could easily lead to
a TPK. In our desperation we sought to find meaning behind the strange pools of
liquid, we each took one and did as many checks on them as we could manage. Not
really discovering anything I painted my face with my chosen liquid, which
turned out to be blood and then drank some. Miraculously my wounds were healed
and the headache induced by the Goliaths smell went away.
Spurred on by my lucky discovery of healing blood the others
decided to drink their liquids too. Maybe we should have realised this was a
bad idea, but we were so desperate for answers this actually seemed like a good
idea...but it wasn't.
Kronk, the Goliath fighter took a mighty swig from his pool
and quickly doubled over in pain as the liquid burned his insides. Skorm our
leader had a very tentative sip from his pool, which proved to be a good idea
as it contained tiny little creatures which tried to eat him as he drank. Then
Lucan, the gangster ranger took a drink of what he had found out was milk, just
ordinary goats milk, nothing wrong with that right? well no not at all, except
when it contains the eggs of a Succubus. He felt a tingly feeling in his gentle
Elven stomach and after a few Arcana checks I realised what was happening...in
1 to 5 days a Succubus baby was going to explode its way out of him.
Having no idea how to stop this or any way to get to someone
who did in time we decided to simply progress and let future us deal with the
problem. Still having no idea which portal to choose, to our horror Skorm
calmly stepped into one of them. Deciding we couldn't just leave him to face who
knows what kind of evil we followed him, though I may have voted to leave
Thankfully it was the right portal and after just a little
bit of trouble we came to a room with some lava, a few little minions oh and a
giant Dragon! Lucan managed to destroy a
strange object in the back that was healing the Dragon and I put the beast to
sleep for most of the fight so it didn't get to do very much really.
After killing the dragon, getting the scroll and finding a
gauntlet that turns the wearer evil we finally got out of that forsaken place
and had to reassess the pregnant Lucan situation. Out of options, we knocked him out, took his
skinning knife and I cut that son of a bitch out of him. Little had a I
realised that this monstrosity would be so....adorable. I instantly fell in
love with the little bundle of life sucking cuteness and named her Georgina,
then Skorm cut her head off. I was horrified but later realised that I may have
possibly been under some kind of charm effect and never actually loved the
The lesson learnt from this misadventure; always follow your leader, don't drink strange liquids and in case of Succubus impregnation, surgery is the way to go.
The lesson learnt from this misadventure; always follow your leader, don't drink strange liquids and in case of Succubus impregnation, surgery is the way to go.
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