To celebrate Dish from Infinity Feed's birthday on the 22nd of this month, I've decided to do a quick entry looking into celebrity births on this day.
Basshunter |
We'll start out on a low note. On the 22nd of December 1984 Mrs Basshunter decided to finally give birth to her son, oblivious to the fact that he would one day annoy the living shit out of people with euro-trash dance music.
The Brothers Gibb |
Sticking with music, on the 22nd of December 1949 the world was introduced to little Maurice and little Robin, two thirds of the Bee Gee's. In a cruel twist of fate, neither of the two would finish puberty, and with their testicles refusing to drop they would be cursed to always sing as high pitched as Alvin and The Chipmunks.
Ralph Fiennes |
Moving to the world of film, on this same day back in 1962, English actor Ralph Fiennes was born. He went on to star in multiple excellent films but most recently has lost all his hair, decided he's not allowed to have his name spoken, and has a fixation on killing a certain bespectacled young 'wizard'.
Mr Edmonds
Lastly, and most importantly, on this day in 1948 Mr Noel Edmonds was born. He used to have his own House Party show, which is more famous for spawning the creation of this:
Mr Blobby |
Noel disappeared from our television screens for a while before returning to present the UK version of 'Deal or No Deal?' A show where contestants have to play the game of picking numbered boxes to eliminate cash values, hopefully the smaller amounts, in order to win money from the 'Banker' character who is never seen. If you've never seen it then I wouldn't bother. The show fast became boring within the first week because it's usually full of idiots, although it is funny to see people only win one pence!
There are actually quite a lot of people born on the same day as young Dish, but these were by and large the more interesting of the pack.
Pixel Punk has slacked off a bit due to receiving a free week of World of Warcraft, many apologies for that.
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