Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 30/11/11
Dish's Stack is where i talk about the comics i will be buying this week! Judge my taste all you like, but that's what this is! I will normally focus on my thoughts of previous issues and possible developments, but nevertheless be wary of minor (or possibly major) spoilers if you do not keep very up-to-date with series or previews, but I'll do my best not to reveal anything too surprising
Daredevil #6
One of my favourite comics at the moment, it always seems like forever between issues, but it's back this week! The last issue left things with a very tenuous cliffhanger - is Daredevil dead? Of course not, but without the illusion of constant peril where would comicbook stories be? It looks like this issue is going to have some good fight scenes in it with new villain 'Bruiser' giving DD a good punching.
It has been teased that events in this issue will make Daredevil 'the most dangerous man in the Marvel U', so i'm especially looking forward to what is going to be pulled out of the bag.
Ghost Rider #6
The new lady-Ghost Rider was an interesting concept, however it seems that this series is not going to be given time to get a foothold in the market, as this is yet another title that is being given the axe in the new year. It would have been nice to see where this character would have been taken, as she seems like something a little bit different, having been raised in all-but-complete isolation from the outside world, it could have been interesting to see her develop to come to terms with her new surroundings and her incredible power.
A new story will be coming in this week's issue after the events of Fear Itself and the self-contained issue last month, and maybe i will be rewarded for my optimism..
Herc #10
Yet another series that is heading for the chopping block (seriously, maybe it's been me that has been dooming these comics), and i've just checked my facts, and it turns out this is actually the final issue! This cancellation disappointed me more than most of the others because i really like the Marvel Hercules. Since reading the Wolverine and Hercules limited series a couple of months ago, he has been one of my favourite Marvel characters, and i thought the first couple of issues of Herc were some of the best comics i had read. But alas, it was not to be..
This issue continues (and hopefully concludes) the story begun last month, with Zeus having come down to Earth 'cos he's angered his wife or some such silliness.. Previews show this could be a very good finale for the series - Elektra and the Kingpin making appearances to attempt to relieve Herc of his magical equipment.
I hope Hercules isn't gone for long, and maybe this cancellation is just to pave the way for the return of The Incredible Hercules (i can wish..)
Thunderbolts #166
The Thunderbolts escaped World War 2 - yay! And are now in Victorian London - boo! I jest, this time-trotting arc has been very good so far, and a simple way to incorporate wildly different settings in a short space of time. I am not familiar with whether there were any superheroes in that time and place, but surely a couple cheeky references are going to be sneaked in.. If i were a gambling man, i would bet that there will be one more destination in time after this one before the 'bolts return to 'present' day, as I'm sure there are a lot of people who, like me, are wondering about the rest of the aftermath of the events of Fear Itself..
This being the 5th Wednesday of the month there are no 'New 52' DC releases this week, which i find i little odd, but whatever.. In lieu of this, i have decided to buy the first three issues of the new Aquaman series.
Aquaman is the cliché whipping boy of the DC universe, but i have read really good things about Geoff Johns' reboot of the character, so i am going to give it a shot! Besides, i have just dropped Batman: The Dark Knight from my stack, so this should be a good replacement series.
Also out this week :
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #4
Uncanny X-Men #2
Wolverine #19
Follow me on Twitter for not-so-occasional insights into the geek world: @IFeed_Dish
Dish Out!
DC comics,
Dish's Stack,
Monday, 28 November 2011
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review
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InfinityFeed : The Legend of Zelda : Skyward Sword Review
By Dish
It is such an honour that the first game i get to review for this blog is a Zelda game. Some would say i came into it biased because i love the whole series, but who better to pick out the moments of genius and the tiny flaws that the game is going to have?
Friday, 25 November 2011
The Nunchuck Conundrum
The Nunchuck Conundrum
by Shep
Let me pose you a question: How often to you use the
Nunchuck with the Wii-Mote?

Lets list the games I own for the Wii: Donkey Kong Country
Returns, Epic Mickey, Goldeneye 007,
Kirby’s Epic Yarn, Metroid Prime Trilogy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight
Princess, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 (adding up all
the metacritic scores for these games and dividing by nine gives a average
metacritic score of 88).
Now let us list the games that are playable without the
Nunchuck: Donkey Kong Country Returns, Goldeneye 007, Kirby’s Epic Yarn &
New Super Mario Bros Wii.
Then (don’t worry, I’m going somewhere with this) let us
list the Wii games which I own and have actually played: Donkey Kong Country
Returns, Goldeneye 007, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight
Princess & New Super Mario Bros Wii.
Finally, (honest) of those games which ones have I
completed: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Obviously, there are games out there, but why am I seemingly
so unwilling to give the Wii the same opportunities as the Xbox 360 or the PS3?
I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a busy guy, what with
going to work, studying for a degree, playing for a football team, going to the
gym and all the other day to day things that need doing before I can play many
videogames. When I do, I just want to collapse in my chair with a drink and
some snacks, and play. I don’t particularly want to be waving my arms around
(looking at you too Move and Kinect) when I look to play games to relax.
Obviously from the list above there is an exception to that
rule: The Legend of Zelda, which was only playable with the Nunchuck in tow.
With the release of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword I found myself dusting
off ye’ olde Nunchuck as I prepared for battle. I’m not going to go too deeply
into Skyward Sword as I will end up reviewing the game that our resident self-confessed
Zelda nut, Dish, has had dibs on since the day it was first announced.
The point I am trying to get across is this: to veteran
gamers, like me, the preferred method of controlling our on screen avatar is
the control pad and it will take something special to get us out of our close
minded preconceptions and actually try something different. Nintendo, Microsoft
and Sony are not being helped by veteran gamers also being quite savvy when it
comes to videogames (who would have thought it?) and only being willing to
fully embrace a new control method for our games when there are high quality games
available to make us want to do so.
Taking InfinityFeed HQ as a microcosm of veteran gamers in
general: between us we have 3 Wii’s – all of which have been collecting dust
since Twilight Princess and all of which have recently been dusted off for
Skyward Sword. Was it worth the wait? Dish will let you know on that score. Has
it been too long? Definitely, if only Nintendo could get a Zelda game out every
year maybe more of us veterans would be more willing to take the Wii seriously.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 23/11/11
Dish's Stack is where i talk about the comics i will be buying this week! Judge my taste all you like, but that's what this is! I will normally focus on my thoughts of previous issues and possible developments, but nevertheless be wary of minor (or possibly major) spoilers if you do not keep very up-to-date with series or previews, but I'll do my best not to reveal anything too surprising.
Alpha Flight #6
It was recently announced that this series has been cancelled or, rather, been re-demoted to the original 8 issues of the limited series as was originally intended...weird..
Events have continued along the route established during the 'Fear Itself' event, not being limited to starting and ending a story entirely contained within the event, which i think is a good sign. This gives the book a sense of continuity not found in other titles taking part in 'Fear Itself'.
The last issue was fun - showing the team dealing, and having some fun, with being the 'rogue' super-powered unit they are now portrayed as in the Canadian media - but i feel the story needs to be coming together more, there being only 2 more issues after this one, with plenty still needing to be resolved.
Iron Man 2.0 #10
Another book that fell victim to the recent culling of titles that spread across the offices of Marvel HQ, devouring fledgling ongoing series and limiteds like a plague of hungry locusts. Maybe a touch melodramatic, but i feel it is somewhat justified..
This is a strange series i think. Ten issues in (11 including the .1) and only just coming to the close of the arc that started things off. Albeit, a Point 1 filler issue, and a pointless 'Fear Itself' arc so uneventful i couldn't remember enough of it to give my opinion of it, have also been and gone, but i feel the slow pace has had a lot to do with not many people latching onto the series. Which is a shame, the concept of the arc, and the twist/explanation delivered in the last couple of issues, i feel, was fantastic and very clever; the delivery has just been a little off.
Again, with only a couple of issues left before 'bye-bye', i hope this series can go out with a bang.
The Mighty Thor #8
I was in the process of putting up a spoiler warning, but if anyone hasn't heard the news yet they almost certainly won't be reading this out-of-the-way blog of self-indulgence :) And if you are:
Thor is dead!
But he won't be for very long. At least as far as i am guessing. Starting a new Thor title at #1 and giving 'Journey Into Mystery' Thor's numbering doesn't seem like a move you would make if you were killing off one of your biggest heroes for more than a couple of issues.
So there is a new God of Thunder in town, by the name of Tanarus; except nobody knows he's new in town, at least as far as i can work out.
It seems someone has made the decision to change everyone's perceptions of the world, and have them think he has been around forever. If this is not how it happened, please someone explain to me in the comments. This is how i took it, if somewhat confusedly :)
I have been enjoying the young-Loki central Journey Into Mystery more than this series, but with the two intermingling to an extent, maybe some of that title's charm can rub off onto it.
Batman: The Dark Knight #3
Finally! A title i can rant about!
I did not enjoy the first 2 issues of this series at all, and it is by far my least favourite of the 'New 52' titles i have been collecting. The plot seems to be borrowing heavily from the Arkham Asylum video game, in that, members of Batman's rogues gallery have been beefed up to ridiculous proportions. The direction of the comic seems to be leaning more towards fanservice than delivering a good/interesting story - opening fight with several of Batman's famous villains; the aforementioned beefy baddies; and Dick Grayson's entire role in the comic.
Maybe i have this all wrong though, and every move will be justified by the end of the first arc. But it's going to have to pull some big cats out of some big bags to prevent itself from my monthly stack..
The Flash #3
This series has been great for people curious about The Flash, without knowing an awful lot about him. Seeing Barry learning to harness his powers has been especially good, finding out he has to actively 'think' more quickly to be able to move at his full potential.
The story is very nice as well, the flashbacks in the previous issues providing just enough exposition so we know enough backstory to understand motives, without being overly distracting from present-day events.
This, along with his appearances in the Justice League comics are fast making The Flash one of my favourite characters. (Urgh, pun not intended back there)
Superman #3
I wasn't particularly bothered by or attracted to Superman as a character before the relaunches, but Superman and Action Comics have been blowing me away these last 3 months. The first 2 issues were great self-contained, beginning-middle-end stories, yet were both clearly part of a bigger arc - the perfect structure for a comic!
Great villains and set-pieces have shown how powerful Superman is, while still allowing for suspense and uncertainty - last month's 'invisible' monster was very smart.
Originally i was only going to stick with this title until the end of the first arc, but with writing of this quality i can't see myself dropping it for a very long time.
Also out this week:
Astonishing X-Men #44
Captain America and Bucky #624
Invincible Iron Man #510
Secret Avengers #19
Wolverine and the X-Men #2
DC Comics
Aquaman #3
Teen Titans #3
Follow me on Twitter for not-so-occasional insights into the geek world: @IFeed_Dish
Dish Out!
Dish Out!
Dash on ... How I Met Your Mother "The Rebound Girl"
By Dash
I think I'm missing something from this weeks episode as I really don't understand the title. I'm not sure where it fits in to this strange but hilarious tale of the gang. Maybe someone can enlighten me in the comments.
The episode starts with Marshall and Lily getting excited over the house that has been given to them and are considering different ideas to do with it (my personal favourite is Chimp Sanctuary), they then return home to find that "their big lovely apartment...shrank" of course it just seems smaller to them, but the set has actually been made tiny and allows for some funny moments as they try to squeeze past all the furniture.
It moves on to future Ted explaining how Barney and himself were going through some bad times due to girl problems and deciding that maybe girls were not for them. I wasn't too sure about this episode at this point, turning them both gay even for an episode would have been a terrible move, pretty much just making a joke out of homosexuality, something I'm sure Neil Patrick Harris would not be happy with. Though thank fully the two of them quickly realised they still liked girls as one walks by the booth and they check her out.
But the guys are still unhappy with waiting around for finding the right girl and want to start a family without all the hassle of a wife and decide to adopt a kid, because men should be able to have kids on their own...like sea horses. So in a 'lets buy a bar' moment Ted says those fateful words that all guys never say "maybe we should start a family together" and so Bro-Parents are born.
While this was going on Marshall and Lilly were waiting for a sign from the universe to let them know if they should move to Long Island. Robin was calling them crazy when Clive from upstairs knocked on the door and asked if a for sale sign he found was their sign. Of course Marshall and Lilly took this to mean they should move to the suburbs and go to tell Ted and Barney. This important decision Marshall and Lilly made just pushed Ted and Barney over the edge and in homage to the 'Wonder Twins' they bump fists proclaiming "Bro-Parents Activate".
In the morning once the two have sobered up..Ted and Barney still think its a good idea to adopt a kid and begin applying at an adoption agency. But then their first bro-parents fight breaks out when Barney thinks Ted should quit his job but this is quickly resolved when they decide to get a nanny which Barney of course dibs. Then Ted comes to his senses as he realises Barney is too much of a kid himself and would be a terrible father.
While this is going on Robin is trying to convince Marshall and Lilly that moving from New York is a terrible idea and uses an example of when Marshall was trying to decide between being an environmental lawyer and working for a bank. Future Ted says "That's a funny story" and indeed it is. It seems that following 'signs' from the universe Marshall nearly bought a fire house and became a Ghostbuster, even meeting Ernie Hudson in the street.
Now its thanksgiving and Ted calls Barney to apologise just before Barney turns up with a baby girl. At first Ted is worried about where she came from but is quickly won over by all the girl attention they attract with the baby. At Marshall and Lilly's house Robin locks herself in their bathroom in protest against them moving there and Ted and Barney turn up with their baby "Hurricane Mosby-Stinson". This is a nice reference to the earlier episode 'Disaster Averted' where Ted comes up with that name for Marshal'ls baby. Though I think Hurricane Eriksen is much better than Hurricane Mosby-Stinson, too bad lilly wont allow it.
While Ted is explaining to Lilly about the baby, Barney's brother James turns up and to Lilly's relief Hurricane is his new daughter and is called sadie. James then explains to Ted that he almost did the same thing with a friend a few years ago but it really glad he didn't because the real thing is much better. Ted explains to Barney that he doesn't want to adopt and Barney goes for a walk. But really goes to the bathroom window to see Robin. And in just two words Robin explains why the episode has been about Barney wanting a family and drops possibly the biggest bombshell of the entire show so far...she is pregnant!!
And it ends, I was left open mouthed and wide eyed not to mention speechless. This is one craziest twists the story has ever had. It is clearly going to turn out to be Barney's which means as it was always going to her relationship with Kevin will come to and end and it will all lead to Barney's wedding which we saw at the end of last season. And I don't like it. I don't like the whole Barney and Robin thing and putting a baby in there as well is just going to destroy the characters even more than they already are.
This show started off as a perfect brocom (like a sitcom but for guys) but as the characters have 'developed' the show seems to be tailoring itself for a more female audience. I suppose its working since the ratings are good but I see the show finding it difficult to survive much longer, what with Marshal and Lilly with a baby and Robin and Barney with a baby they will have little choice but to introduce the mother and tie the whole thing up with a pretty little neat ribbon and call it a day.
Maybe that is the plan, just one more season after this to tie up all the loose ends and send the characters off in nice happily ever after lives. I don't like it, but I knew it was always going to happen. when the premise of a show is explaining how you met the mother of your children there is only so long you can go on for. Especially considering the date of when future Ted is talking is revealed so for the kids to the age they are he has to get a girl pregnant soon.
Let me know what you think of this weeks episodes in the comments!
Follow me on Twitter @ifeed_Dash
The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Review
InfinityFeed: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review
by Dash
Rating: 9/10
Skyrim was only officially announced a little over a year ago but has managed to garner almost as much attention as much more mainstream games like Modern Warefare. In fact, the steam sales for this game were record shattering! I suppose with the success of Bethesda's other titles like Fallout 3 and Skyrim's predecessor Oblivion it shouldn't come as such a surprise that this game caused so much excitement. With all this hype Skyrim had a lot to live up to and it seems most people think it does.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Dash on... Community "Documentary Filmmaking: Redux"

Community Season 3 Episode 8 : "Documentary Filmmaking: Redux"
With the recent news that NBC has put the show on 'indefinite hiatus' fans are hoping the remaining episodes can prove just how good the show is and I believe that last nights episode does that, but maybe not in a good way.
Like the previous episodes, 'Introduction to film' and 'Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking', 'Documentary Filmmaking: Redux' parodies a mockumentary style sitcom as Abed follows the study group around as they film a commercial for Greendale. Just like in 'Hearts of Darkness' the film the episode takes most reference from Abed films the slow decent of a director driven mad by his own film, or in this case commercial.
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"Now the bold man is awake" |
Annie is chosen to be the 'script girl' sorry the 'supervisor girl' sorry the 'Script Supervisor'. As it turns out, not too long ago 'Script Girl' was actually the correct term for this role. This is the perfect position for Annie as it allows her to use her hyper organisational skills and anal personalty for a productive reason. As filming went on Annie's state of mind went with it. As more pencils get added to her ever more dishevelled hair she eventually turns into a neurotic mess with Stockholm syndrome.
Jeff is subjected to the next logical step in the Deans obsession with him: He is chosen to play the role of the Dean. Of course he hates the whole idea so tries to get out of it by acting like Dean Pelton on crack. But this backfires as the Dean loves Jeff's portrayal and gives him even more screen time. If there was just one thing I could see from this episode it would have to be Joel Mchale in a bold cap and glasses. Community never fails by taking itself too seriously and its moments like this that really set it apart.
Jeff in a further attempt to sabotage the commercial convinces the Dean to film his scenes in front of the statue of Greendale's most famous student, Luis Guzman and informs the actor's lawyers, because the college didn't have the right to use Guzman's image. But this again backfires as it turns out Guzman has a soft spot for the college and actually wants to be in the commercial.
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"Stop saying I'm different" |
Jeff, having now spent days in his bold cap had almost merged into the Dean. Jeff was dead and now his role of the Dean would no longer be played in irony. But as his casting call finally arrived the Dean decided he wanted to be seen with hair and told Jeff to take the bold cap off as that would be reality. Jeff refuses saying "I have worn this stupid thing for 12 days...I've made bold friends". The Dean's saviour comes in the form of Chang, meaning the role of the Dean will be played by "a Chinese man in a blonde wig". The cast and crew now abandon the Dean just before the arrival of Luis Guzman.
Guzman arrives to find Greendale deserted and finds the Dean living in his own filth with a live opossum editing the insanity which is his commercial. Guzman has no problem expressing his love for the school saying he got laid like crazy there, but he wont work with the Dean. It's revealed that Pelton is ashamed of his own school.
The time comes to show the school board the commercial and surprisingly it's not bad. In Hearts of Darkness director Francis Ford Coppola is shown strung out on cocaine thinking he wont live to finish his film. The plan was to pass the film to George Lucus to finish if Coppola should die. Thankfully that didn't happen. But here Abed uses his filmmaking super powers and becomes the Lucus to Dean Peltons Coppola and makes the commercial not just good...good enough.
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"Some flies are too awesome for the wall" |
While all this is happen Pierce has locked himself in the trailer he rented until the college rents him a new one. A trailer arrives for Guzman which Pierce commandeers and is unknowingly taken to Hollywood. Turns out the trailer was going to the on set home of actor Jeff Garlin, who after discovery Pierce proves himself to be no more mature and says he wont be leaving that trailer until he gets a new one.
Overall this was an amazing episode, capturing everything that makes the show great. It was quirky and didn't take its self seriously. There weren't a lot of obvious jokes allowing for some genuinely funny moments. But the very thing that makes this show great could be the very thing holding it back. Community refuses to conform to traditional sitcom tropes and instead pushes the boundaries. This is possibly alienating its audience as unlike with 'The Big Bang Theory' which pokes fun at the geeks, Community requires some actual knowledge about the subjects that it is parodying.
There are many people out there that want to save this show and if your one of them sign this petition, do it now don't wait, get other people to sign it to. Of course it has just been put on hiatus and hasn't yet been cancelled but I think we all know unless something big happens we wont be seeing much more Community.
Follow me on twitter @ifeed_Dash
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Batman Arkham City Review
Batman: Arkham City is one of the most anticipated releases
of the pre-Christmas game surge due to hit the high streets around the world alongside
the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception and Elder
Scrolls V: Skyrim, to name but a few, all vying for shelf space it will take
something special to keep Arkham City’s disc spinning in your disc drive for
longer than a week.

Arkham City takes you, as Batman, and dumps you slap bang in
the middle of the newly created segregated portion of Gotham known as Arkham
City. At first this can be a little imposing as you get the sense of being
Batman, lost behind enemy lines where pretty much everyone wants your head.
Arkham City is very much a living, breathing city, albeit one based on the
incarceration of its inhabitants, with enemies and NPC’s reacting in different
ways to actions happening around them. I can recall once witnessing, whilst
perched atop a gargoyle naturally, two inmates exercising together, one doing
sit ups whilst the other held his feet down. Arkham City is as much of a
character in Batman: Arkham City as Rapture is in Bioshock, you get glimpses of
what the buildings were once used for (such as courthouses, theatres and steel
mills) when they still belonged in Gotham and you now know that they are filled
to the rafters with those for whom the prison was built.
Getting around Arkham City is one factor of the game where
the game falls flat. Commuting around in Grand Theft Auto (except for Grand
Theft Auto IV) was tolerable because it was interesting and ultimately fun as
the game allowed you to pull handbrake turns in a mule. In Arkham City
travelling around the city is far from fun, feeling more like a chore than anything
else. This can most probably be attributed to the size of the city and the lack
of motorised transport available to Batman resulting in any attempt to travel
across the city taking much longer than would be considered necessary.

Many of Batman’s rogue gallery are also present within the
city with my only criticism being that there are perhaps a few too many crammed
in when fewer, with acknowledging nods to others ala Arkham Asylum, would have
sufficed. Too often there was a feeling that the story was being disjointed and
split into very noticeable chapters where Arkham Asylum’s story flowed
believably between the chapters to the point where you didn’t notice that a new
member of the rogue gallery was the current focus of the plot, this lesson
seemingly forgotten between games.
Arkham City is a fantastic game packed to bursting point
with side missions, collectables and challenges to keep gamers occupied for
weeks, for those who are easily distracted (i.e. me!) hours will be spent doing
everything they can find to do before continuing with the next chapter in the
story. Even once completed there is a plethora of challenge modes, collectables
and side quests to do giving you plenty of bang for your buck. Visually it is
stunning, Arkham looks and feels like it could be a very real threat to those
who don the cowl unprepared for what lies ahead and this is further enhanced by
the accompanying audio and musical score to really hammer home Batman’s
feelings of apprehension.
Overall Arkham City is Arkham Asylum only bigger, better,
more polished and well deserving of the 9 out of 10 score I was going to give
it ... until I reached the ending. Like a good anecdote which should gradually
build into a joke deserving of the prolonged build up the game was building up
nicely only for the punch line to be forgotten to the disappointment of those
whom had been gripped only to be let down at the finale. The ending was such a
disappointment for me that I verbally exclaimed “WTF? Bullcrap!” and
immediately docked the game a review point for the ending. Petty? Maybe, but I
bought this game, played and loved every minute of it only for it to let me
down in the most epic of ways imaginable at the finish line.
Score: 8/10
Uncharted 3 Review
"Who wants to find some treasure...?"
The Uncharted series is undoubtedly one of the gems in the Playstation's crown, the combination of puzzle solving, exploration and wild gun battles makes you want to grab your fedora and leather jacket and sign up for a crash course in archaeology. The latest instalment in Naughty Dog's hugely successful series then, has a lot to live up to, especially after seeing Drake sell out in the form of advertising Subway on national TV.
As with all Uncharted games the story feels much more like a Hollywood movie than a computer game. There exists the usual compliment of stunning set locations, beautiful but deadly female co stars and a fair amount of explosions, but that's not all. As we explore Drake's past in order to uncover the secret truth about his ancestor Sir Francis Drake you cannot help but be drawn in by the mystery; like a good book or film the plot will keep you glued to your controller and all thoughts of time, schedules or work go out the window. But be warned, whilst the plot is intriguing enough to keep you guessing right up to the end, the big reveal is a bit of an anti-climax and doesn't really provide the closure that is needed, considering all the time and emotion you have invested in the characters.

Much like Tin Tin or Indiana Jones, Drake has survived some truly remarkable events, from multiple plane crashes to going one on one with a Hind, and Uncharted 3 does not disappoint in terms of its action. The story keeps Drake hanging on the edge of disaster, sometimes literally by his fingertips, and keeps the player on the edge of their seat. There is no moment to relax in Uncharted as once you think you're safe and you can stop to catch your breath a new, and often deadly, challenge turns up. This keeps the game flowing, and even the slow areas are still very intense.
It's not just the story that helps the game feel and act like a movie, the game-play itself is also an integral part. As those of you who have played the previous Uncharted games know they are a mix of freestyle exploration and puzzle solving with intense 3rd person gun battles. Uncharted 3's predecessors managed to link these two different game styles well and Drakes new adventure is no exception, each level feels expertly designed to give the player that smug little buzz that comes from solving a particular puzzle or clearing an area silently. The flow of the game has also been designed skilfully, with each section subtly hinting the right direction whilst making it feel as if it is the players own desire to follow that path, this continues to make the game feel more like a movie, but one in which you are the star. The interactive cut scene style events, where the player still maintains control further elevates the game into being more like blockbuster, giving real satisfaction when you not only survive the burning building, but you made it look good also. The addition of player interactive cut scenes have also been used in some of the slower parts of the game, such as trudging through the desert, making then much more compelling.
The new additions to the fighting controls further add to the game's movie-like flow with Drake now being able to dodge and counter enemy attacks much like the fight system used in the recent Batman games. Drake can also interact with his environment during fights creating some hilariously cool and unique moments that look almost as if they have been choreographed into the story (my personal favourite being using a giant fish to beat down one of the goons). Whilst the addition of the advanced fighting controls has added a new element to the game there are some changes that are not so welcome.
Firstly, the free running controls have been tweaked so now you sprint automatically by just using the control stick, whilst X is now jump or climb. Whilst not a big change from the previous version which had X as sprint, jump and climb it has created a noticeable drop in the feel and therefore the flow of the game. Previously, holding X down would make Drake run, jump or climb when reaching an area where you could do those actions. This gave a feel of continuous movement that echoed that of a live action film, which is one of the unique characteristics of the game that make it so appealing. Whilst it is still possible to achieve this with Uncharted 3, Naughty Dog seem to have made the process much more difficult and frustrating. As now you need to time when you press X in order to achieve that film-like flow, otherwise you'll have Drake bounding forward in a pointless leap or off the edge of cliff making you restart what should have been a simple section from the beginning.
The second failing in the gameplay is the shooting; whilst I understand that Drake is not a military standard marksman, he does have some proficiency with weapons but in this version cannot seem to hit the broad side of a barn door, requiring you to take extra time and care in aiming just to hit your target. This in conjunction with the fact that the AI appears to be a supremely intelligent sniper who, no matter the situation, will get headshots and continue to attack even during sandstorms and tidal waves, makes for some rather one sided gun fights, that will often leave you frustrated and confused as to where you went wrong.

Overall Rating 7.5
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Dash on ... How I Met Your Mother 'Tick, Tick, Tick'
So everything has been going great for the gang recently,
Marshal and Lilly are having a baby, Robin is with a well adjusted genuinely
nice guy called Kevin, Barney somehow found himself a girl who is actually good
for him and Ted... well Ted is as he always is. So of course some drama was
overdue in order to mess up the happy dynamic.
I will warn you now !!!!SPOILERS
If you haven't been watching How I Met Your Mother for the
past six years you may not understand my frustration, in fact even if you have
been watching you still may not understand why I hate Robin and Barney!
Ok so individually I don't hate them, everyone knows Barney
stole the show from the beginning but together I just can't stand them. I know it's obvious that Robin is going to be
the bride at Barney's wedding and they will live happily ever after... blah blah
blah but I say bullshit and bullshit again. This off again on again, will they won't
they crap is old I mean Ross and Rachel old and needs to be stopped.
The episode starts with Barney and Robin waking up in bed
together, they both freak out and feel bad for cheating. This whole scene just
seemed terrible to me, it just made Barney look like a brainless idiot making
stupid comments while Robin yet again suggested the 'this never happened'
thing, 'cos we all know how well that worked out last time.
There is something about these two characters together that
grates me. I understand the need for character development and Robin has managed
to get over her control issues and is ready for a proper relationship; and
Barney has matured into a well adjusted nineteen year old. But that does not mean they have to end up
together. In 'The Naked-Man' Marshall called slut, well I call slut again but
this time it isn't just clothes that stands in the way, it is just a matter of
proximity. Their relationship lasted just the right amount of time in the first
place, it messed up the dynamic of the group, leaving Ted to be the outcast with
no one to turn to, they ended it at the right point and that should have been
it. This episode also showed Robin to be a bigger bitch than she has ever been
before, and she left the group to be with Don...DON!!!! After admitting that
she wanted to be with Barney they both agreed to break off their relationships
and be together, Barney does what he feels is right and tells Nora the truth in
what actually was a very mature moment for Barney. Robin on the other hand
decides to not tell Kevin after he tells her he loves her. Has she decided she
likes Kevin more than Barney or does she simply have graduation goggles?
Moving on to the part which made this episode great, Ted,
Marshal and Lilly go to 'Groovapalooza', and light up a great big sandwich, of
course Lilly doesn't have any being pregnant and all (though it's surprising her
baby doctor hasn't told her she can have 'just a little bit'), leaving Ted and
Marshal to devour the whole thing leading to what has been one of the funniest
moments of the show this season.
Ted and Marshal wander around trying to find nachos for
Lilly, they keep queuing for the ladies' bathroom instead and wandering around
the arena. To be fair this wasn't all that great once the joke had been done
once, but the pay off was a masterpiece. After wandering around for hours,
eventually finding nachos but missing the concert they find Lilly who reveals
that in fact they had been gone a grand total of... two minutes. It then
follows to show those two minutes from the vantage point of a security camera.
For me this is the highlight of this season, I didn't see it coming and it
refreshed a rather overdone joke. Also it was nice to see some Ted and Marshal
bonding for once, I miss their adventures almost as much as Barney's.
So obviously I am not looking forward to this story arc and
I hope they resolve it quickly and get back to some Ted centric stuff. Maybe
with a few wild adventures thrown in there too. Well check back next week to
read my thoughts on the next episode.
Follow me on twitter @ifeed_Dash
Dish's Stack - Marvel and DC Comics - 16/11/11
Dish's Stack is where i talk about the comics i will be buying this week! Judge my taste all you like, but that's what this is! I will normally focus on my thoughts of previous issues and possible developments, but nevertheless be wary of minor (or possibly major) spoilers if you do not keep very up-to-date with series or previews, but I'll do my best not to reveal anything too surprising.
Amazing Spider-Man #674
In the first issue after the conclusion of the Spider Island event Spider-Man finds his first enemy has returned! A beefed-up, spider-sensed, Kung-Fu'd Spidey will clearly be a match for anything coming his way in the new arc; and with the Sinister Six also returning in the coming months, he's going to need every power in his arsenal. Hopefully he won't be suffering from a Spider Island hangover!
Fear Itself #7.3 (Iron Man)
I found the Fear Itself mega-event quite disspointing for my first universe-wide shake-up, and the first 2 of the epilogues left me feeling similarly, bar the surprise twist or two. I am pretty much only getting this issue to complete my 'Fear Itself' set, having not collected the Iron Man tie-ins, but maybe this final issue can
provide some closure that has been missing thus far.
Fear Itself: The Fearless #3
The main event may have been dissapointing, but this aftermath mini-series has so far has been really quite good. The first 2 issues set up the premise nicely and teased an exciting battle to come in this week's comic. Very much looking forward to what is to come from this story.
The Punisher #5
I have been reading rave reviews about this new Punisher series, but personally i have found it lacking something.. It is by no means bad, and is in no danger of being dropped from my 'To Buy' list, but I'm clearly not enjoying it as much as a lot of people. The conclusion of the current arc, or the commencing of the new one may make me feel differently, and I would love to look forward to this series as much as i do Daredevil or the Spider-Man comics.
Thunderbolts #165
Being transported back in time was a very neat twist at the end of the Thunderbolts' 'Fear Itself' tie-ins, and the potential paradox the T-Bolts are trying to avoid in this week's issue is a very nice link to their past. The arc apparently finishes in this comic, and i can't wait to see how the team returns to their 'status quo'.
Venom #9
Another series returning after the events of Spider-Island and Flash Thompson has a lot to deal with in the aftermath. I have been really enjoying these comics, and the news of a mini-event of its own in the new year
showed the faith marvel is giving this relatively new series, while others starting around the same time (Herc, Iron Man 2.0) have been given the sack. I'm sure the series will continue to justify this faith.
Batman #3
One of the better of the Batman series starting in the 'New 52', this comic has an interesting mystery that is as related to Bruce Wayne as it is the Batman. Only being 2 issues in so far, it is difficult to tell how good this series is going to be in the long run, but i would wager this third issue will be a great indicator of future quality.
Justice League #3
If this issue is as much of a step-up from the second as that was from the first, this is going to be a very good comic. The staggered introduction of the heroes was probably wise, but the sooner the team is taking on threats only their combined might can hope to defeat, the better. Being the flagship of the New 52 im sure the series is going to continue to build on the relatively disappointing first issue.
Also out this week:
Avengers #19
Captain America #4
Deadpool #46
The Incredible Hulk #2
Ultimate Comics X-Men #3
X-Men #21
Green Lantern Corps #3
Nightwing #3
Wonder Woman #3
Follow me on Twitter for not-so-occasional insights into the geek world: @IFeed_Dish
Dish Out!
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