
Saturday, 7 January 2012

Top 5: Worst Films I've Seen (So Far)

Today I'm going to share with you some of the worst films I've ever seen, and can't be unseen, oh the horror!

Narrowing this list down to just five was hard, especially when thinking of one film suddenly reminded me of another terrible film etc etc.
Also bare in mind that this list does not include films seen by others here at Infinity Feed, so their opinions may vary somewhat.

5. Catwoman
I hope Halle Berry got a massive paycheck for this film, otherwise the pain inflicted on my brain watching this film was all for nothing. After seeing it scheduled to play on ITV2 multiple times within a short timeframe, I decided to watch it. Not only did it feature terrible acting and some dodgy CGI, but the entire plot was just awful. I'm not going to give anything anyway and spoil it, I'd rather make you all watch it just to see how bad it is.

4. Alone In The Dark
One of the worst examples of how to make a movie based upon a videogame. Christian Slater is unconvicing as the lead role, Stephen Dorff still wishes he was playing Frost in the Blade film because his career has sunk so low ever since, and who the hell thought it was a good idea to make Tara Reid portray an intelligent character? Oh thats right, this guy:

3. Smiley Face
There are times when Anna Faris is funny, e.g. the final season of Friends, and times when she just really rubs me the wrong way. During my time working for a well known video rental company I was enjoying receiving 10 free film rentals per week. Unfortunately, I chose to rent this film just for the hell of it, naively believing that it could turn out to be funny. I was so very wrong. 'Smiley Face' was so bad that I had to turn it off after 20 minutes. You may argue that because I haven't watched the whole film, then I can't include it here. If that's the case then I'll feel obliged to strap you to a chair and force you to watch the whole film for me!

2. House Of The Dead
Yet another Uwe Boll film, and yet another disaster. He claims this film was a success despite drawing in less than it cost to make. This was one of the first Uwe Boll films I ever saw, and by now I really should have learnt my lesson. Once again awful cast and awful dialogue ruin what could have been a great concept for a film, if only it had been made by someone with common sense.

1. Doomed
A lot of people will have never heard of this film until now, but at the beginning of 2009 I found this on DVD in my local supermarket for a mere £1. It came across as a mixture of 'Battle Royale' and 'The Condemned' with some zombies thrown in for good measure. That should have been a winning formula, however this film didn't just have the worst 'zombies' I've ever seen, but it also had incredibly annoying point scores flashing up on screen when certain things happened, which just turned this film in a cheesy, simmering pile of shit.
If you don't believe me, then just watch this:

What terrible films do you wish you'd never had the misfortune of seeing?  Tell us in the comments down below!

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